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Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Survive the Bunker and Escape the Monster

Amnesia: The Bunker is a first-person horror game where you play as a soldier who wakes up in a dark bunker with no memory of how he got there. You must explore the bunker, solve puzzles, and avoid the monster that lurks within in order to survive.

Here are some essential tips for success:

  • Save your game frequently. The game does not have an autosave feature, so you must save it manually by interacting with the save lamp located in the save room. Save your game before making any dangerous attempts or solving a puzzle, so you can reload if something goes wrong.
  • Keep the generator running. The generator powers the lights and other machinery in the bunker. If the generator goes out, the bunker will be plunged into darkness, making it much more difficult to navigate and avoid the monster.
  • Be quiet. The monster is attracted to noise. If you make too much noise, the monster will come after you. Try to move around quietly and avoid making loud noises, such as running or breaking objects.
  • Organize your inventory. Your inventory will automatically categorize items into different sections, such as codes, notes, and photos. This will make it easier to find the items you need when you need them.

Here are some additional tips that may help you on your journey:

  • Pay attention to your surroundings. There are many clues and secrets hidden throughout the bunker. Take the time to look around carefully and interact with everything you can.
  • Use your flashlight wisely. The flashlight is a valuable tool for navigating the dark bunker and spotting the monster. However, using the flashlight will also drain the generator’s power. Use it sparingly and only when you need it.
  • Don’t be afraid to hide. If you see the monster, the best thing to do is to hide. The monster will eventually give up and move on.
  • Experiment. There is no one right way to play Amnesia: The Bunker. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you.

Overcoming Barriers and Obstructions

In Amnesia: The Bunker, you will encounter a variety of barriers and obstructions that will block your path. Here are some tips on how to overcome them:

  • Wooden structures: Most wooden structures, such as doors, can be destroyed using several methods:
    • Toss a weighty brick at it twice.
    • Propel a grenade towards it.
    • Ignite an explosive barrel near it.
    • Lure the monster to destroy it.
  • Metal doors: Metal doors with keyholes can only be accessed using the matching key.
  • Padlocks: Padlocks can be destroyed using several methods:
    • Toss a heavy brick at it twice.
    • Propel a grenade towards it.
    • Ignite an explosive barrel near it.
    • Discharge your weapon at it.
    • Use chain cutters on it.
  • Ventilation grates: To bypass ventilation grates, a wrench is required.
  • Chains: To break a chain, chain cutters are the only tool that works effectively.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Be creative. There is often more than one way to overcome a barrier or obstruction. Experiment with different methods and see what works best.
  • Use your resources wisely. Grenades and explosive barrels are limited resources, so use them sparingly.
  • Be careful not to hurt yourself. Some methods of overcoming barriers and obstructions, such as using explosives, can also damage you. Be careful and use your best judgment.

Randomized Elements in Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker features a number of randomized elements, which can make each playthrough unique. Here is a summary of the randomized elements:

  • Codes for lockers and doors: All four-digit codes for lockers and doors are randomly generated. Their placement may also vary.
  • Resources and items: The distribution of most resources and items is randomized.
  • Traps: The placement and type of traps are also randomized.
  • Key items: The game features two optional “key items,” namely the lighter and the gas mask. On your first playthrough, the codes to the lockers holding these items will be in a fixed location. However, for subsequent playthroughs, they will be found near a randomly placed corpse.

These randomized elements can add to the challenge and replayability of Amnesia: The Bunker. For example, you may have to explore more thoroughly to find the resources and items you need, or you may have to be more careful to avoid traps. Additionally, the randomized placement of the key items can force you to change your strategy on each playthrough.

Here are some tips for dealing with the randomized elements in Amnesia: The Bunker:

  • Explore thoroughly. Don’t be afraid to explore every corner of the bunker. You may find valuable resources and items in unexpected places.
  • Be careful of traps. Be on the lookout for traps and take steps to avoid them. If you do get caught in a trap, try to find a way to escape or mitigate the damage.
  • Be prepared to adapt your strategy. The randomized placement of the key items can force you to change your strategy on each playthrough. Be flexible and willing to experiment.

Progressing Through the Initial Sequences

To navigate through the first locked wooden door:

  1. Pick up the brick near the door.
  2. Throw the brick at the door twice.

To navigate through the second locked wooden door:

  1. Pick up one of the grenades lying near the door.
  2. Throw the grenade at the door.

To navigate through the wooden blockade:

Method 1:

  1. Load your gun with a bullet.
  2. Shoot the explosive barrel situated near the blockade.

Method 2:

  1. Throw one of the previously found grenades at the blockade.

If you run out of bricks, grenades, or bullets, replacements should spawn where you initially discovered them.

Safety Guidelines

  • Be careful when throwing bricks and grenades, as they can also damage you.
  • Be careful when shooting the explosive barrel, as it can also damage you.
  • Always follow the safety guidelines of your local firearm range when handling and using firearms.

Journey to the Admin Office

When you wake up in the bunker, your first goal is to reach the Admin Office, which is the main save room in the game.

Your first encounter will be with the “smoking soldier” in the kitchen near the officer’s mess hall. Accept the firearm he offers you and locate the ammunition for your new weapon in the neighboring pantry.

Next, you need to get past the locked door in the hallway adjacent to the mess hall. You can either use your firearm to blast the padlock or hurl a brick at it (bricks can be found near the smoking soldier’s seat).

Once you have unlocked the door, proceed downstairs and unlock the door straight ahead. You are now in the Admin Office.


  • Be careful when using your firearm, as it can also damage you.
  • If you run out of bricks, you can find more in the kitchen near the smoking soldier.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and listen for the monster.

Admin Office Door Code

To exit the Admin Office, you will need to discover the 4-digit code that operates the door lock. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the generator room, which is directly connected to the Admin Office.
  2. Inspect the dog tag of the deceased soldier found near the generator.
  3. Turn the dog tag over to reveal the code inscribed on the reverse side.
  4. Enter the code into the keypad on the Admin Office door to unlock it.


  • The dog tag is located on the ground next to the deceased soldier in the generator room.
  • The code is a 4-digit number.
  • Be careful when entering the code, as you only have a limited number of attempts before the door locks you out.

Unlocking Sublevels

To unlock the sublevels in Amnesia: The Bunker, you will need to find a second lockdown wheel.


  1. Locate the lockdown controls outside of the Mission Storage.
  2. Try to turn the wheel, but it will break.
  3. Find a way to gain entry into the Mission Storage.
    • Option 1: Dislodge the unsteady grating to the right of the doors and crawl through the ventilation shaft.
    • Option 2: Shatter one of the wooden doors.
  4. Find the lockdown wheel.
    • Examine the lockers at the farthest end of the Mission Storage room. You’ll find a lockdown wheel inside a locker marked “Delisle”.
  1. Track down Delisle to obtain the locker’s code.
    • Delisle’s room is identified on the map in the Admin Office.
    • Make your way into the room either via the vent in the adjacent Lounge or by breaking down the wooden door.
    • Retrieve the code from Delisle’s corpse.
      • Check the dog tag near the body. Don’t forget to flip it over to view the code inscribed on the back.
  2. Extract the lockdown wheel from the locker.
  3. Return to the Mission Storage.
  4. Enter the code into Delisle’s locker to unlock it.
  5. Retrieve the lockdown wheel.
  6. Head back to the lockdown controls located outside of the Mission Storage.
  7. Position the wheel in its place and turn it to unseal the gates to all of the sublevels.


  • Be careful when exploring the Mission Storage, as there are traps and monsters lurking within.
  • If you are having trouble finding Delisle’s room, check the map in the Admin Office.
  • Be careful when retrieving the code from Delisle’s corpse, as there may be monsters nearby.

How to get the Wrench

To acquire the wrench in Amnesia: The Bunker, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Make your way to the Maintenance sublevel.
  2. Locate the workshop and navigate through the “rat tunnel”.
  3. Bypass the locked door that leads into the Pillbox.
    • Option 1: Use a key.
      • Head to the Chapel and find the priest in the confession booth.
      • Adjacent to the priest, you will find the key for the Pillbox door.
      • Return to the Pillbox and unlock the door using the key.
    • Option 2: Force your way in.
      • Shatter the door that leads to the ammunition storage (located next to the Pillbox).
      • Demolish the wooden barrier separating the ammunition storage from the Pillbox.
  4. Retrieve the code from Stafford.
    • Investigate the dog tag near the body in the Pillbox. This code corresponds to the locker housing the wrench.
  5. Return to the Mission Storage and unlock Stafford’s locker using the code found in the Pillbox.
  6. Collect the wrench.

Once you have the wrench, you will be able to access the Warden’s office in the prison.


  • Be careful when exploring the Maintenance sublevel, as there are traps and monsters lurking within.
  • If you are having trouble finding the Pillbox, check the map in the Admin Office.
  • Be careful when retrieving the code from Stafford’s corpse, as there may be monsters nearby.

How to get the Chain Cutters

To acquire the chain cutters in Amnesia: The Bunker, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the wrench from Stafford’s locker in the Mission Storage.
  2. Unlock the grating leading to the Warden’s Office using the wrench.
  3. Turn on the generator to supply power to the cell doors.
  4. Open the cell housing the German prisoner.
  5. Quickly retrieve the chain cutters before the power cuts off and the cell doors close again.


  • Be careful when turning on the generator, as it may attract the monster.
  • Be quick when retrieving the chain cutters, as the power will go out after a short period of time.
  • If the monster is chasing you, you can hide in the cell or under the bed.

Securing the Detonator Handle

To secure the detonator handle in Amnesia: The Bunker, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the chain cutters.
  2. Cut the chain securing the gate leading to the water-filled storage area.
  3. Enter the water-filled storage area and drain the water by activating the power switch and starting the pump.
  4. Navigate to the far end of the storage area and remove the plank and push aside the metal box obstructing your access to the tunnels.
  5. Proceed into the tunnels and encounter the sightless, deranged soldier.
  6. Eliminate the soldier or sneak past him, whichever you prefer.
  7. Enter the room containing the detonator handle and seize it. You may need to break down a door to gain access to the room.
  8. (Optional) Explore the hidden passage leading out to a crater where you can discover a dog tag (with a code) and a rabbit doll that can be used against the monster later on.
  9. Make your way back to the bunker by pushing a couple of boxes near the ledge where you previously descended and using them as stepping stones to jump up and retrace your steps all the way back to the bunker.


  • Be careful when draining the water in the storage area, as the pump may attract the monster.
  • Be careful when encountering the sightless, deranged soldier. He is blind, but he has excellent hearing and can easily detect you if you make too much noise.
  • If you choose to eliminate the soldier, use stealth to your advantage. He is armed with a shotgun, so it is best to avoid direct confrontation.
  • Be careful when breaking down the door to the room with the detonator handle. The noise may attract the monster.
  • If you choose to explore the hidden passage, be careful of the traps and monsters lurking within.

Arsenal Door Code

To acquire the code for the Arsenal door in Amnesia: The Bunker:

  1. Go to the Soldier Quarters sublevel.
  2. At the far end of the initial corridor, you will find the door to the Communications Room, which is locked with a key.
  3. Follow the “Security” sign to find the Security Room.
  4. Break down the room’s door and read the note in the key box inside.
  5. Search the two barracks for the bed labeled with the name matching that on the note.
  6. Search the bed or the “postal box” for the key.
  7. Use the key to unlock the Communications Room.
  8. Turn on the generator and the switch on the wall inside the Communications Room.
  9. Press the button on the radio to hear the broadcasted code.


  • If you need help finding the key, the Clerk’s Office (first room of the sublevel) has a sketch showing which bed is assigned to which soldier.
  • Be careful when breaking down the door to the Security Room, as the noise may attract the monster.
  • Be careful when navigating to the Utility Room, as there may be traps and monsters lurking along the way.
  • Make sure the generator is operational before turning on the radio.

Once you have the code for the Arsenal door, you will be able to access the main part of the Arsenal and acquire new weapons and equipment.

Acquiring the Dynamite

To obtain the dynamite in the Arsenal in Amnesia: The Bunker, follow these steps:

  1. Acquire the code for the Arsenal door (refer to the previous step).
  2. Unlock the door that leads to the main part of the Arsenal.
  3. Navigate through the “labyrinth” and find your way into the Explosives Storage through the “back” entrance.


  • The “labyrinth” is a series of interconnected rooms and corridors. Be careful when navigating through this area, as there may be traps and monsters lurking within.
  • The “back” entrance to the Explosives Storage is a hidden door. It is located in a small room to the right of the main entrance.
  • Once you have entered the Explosives Storage, the door will lock behind you. Be careful not to get trapped inside.

Once you are in the Explosives Storage, you will find the dynamite bundles on a shelf. You can take as many as you need.

Destroying the Exit

Follow these steps to create a hole near the exit:

  • Put the dynamite in the wooden box by the exit.
  • Put the detonator handle in the detonator.
  • Handle the detonator.

Triggering the explosion will create an opening in the ground near the exit. To proceed, you must jump down the hole.


Congratulations on escaping the horrors of Amnesia: The Bunker! You have survived a harrowing ordeal, facing unspeakable terrors and solving complex puzzles in order to find your way out.

Your journey began in darkness, with no memory of how you came to be trapped in the bunker. But through your courage and perseverance, you have pieced together your past and discovered the truth behind the bunker’s dark secrets.

You have also faced and defeated the monster that haunted the bunker, a creature of pure terror that sought to destroy you. But you stood your ground, and in the end, you emerged victorious.

Now, you are free. You have escaped the bunker and returned to the world of the living. But the horrors you have witnessed will never truly leave you.

The Amnesia series is known for its immersive and terrifying horror experiences, and Amnesia: The Bunker is no exception. It is a game that will stay with you long after you have finished playing.

Thank you for playing Amnesia: The Bunker. We hope you enjoyed the experience.