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Australian Tertiary Student Photo Identity Document

Many people live in Australia and some of them are students. These students need photo identity at different times. We will discuss in this article how they can use their photo identity. And let me tell you what documents are required to prove identity of “Australian tertiary student photo identity document”.

If you want to live in Australia you have to follow a lot of rules and regulations. If you don’t follow their rules you can’t live there. Students are given a variety of identity cards so that they can follow the rules.

Australian tertiary student photo identity document

As an Australian citizen you need to prove your photo identity. And to prove this identity you have to collect some documents that they have to prove to you that you are that person or student. To prove your identity you need to provide an identity card and birth registration certificate as well as several other documents.

If you are a student of Australia then you have to provide those kind of document to proof that Australian tertiary student. All the documents required for proof of identity:

You have to provide Accepted ID Documents such as ID Documents

  • You need Aus Passport or Visa
  • Your Aus Birth Certificate
  • Provide your Immi Card
  • Need Evidence of Residence status
  • You also need to provide Certificate of Identity issued by DFAT to refugees and
    non-Australian citizens for entry to Australia.
  • School or college Student ID Card

Optional Primary Documents

  • May be you they can want Australian Drivers License or your Marriage Certificate
  • You also need Overseas Passport and Proof of Age or Photo ID Card issued by AU

Identity card also has many benefits like you can prove your identity through identity card and if you want to be admitted to school or college then you can register the name of the school or college with your identity card.

I hope you have read this article to understand what papers or documents can prove your identity.

How to renew your Australian passport: small guide

Here’s how to renew your Australian passport if you are in Italy…

After a long period of stay outside Australia, it may happen that you need to renew your passport.

The passport is, in fact, the official document that identifies the bearer as a citizen of the state that issues him and is used to receive protection when traveling abroad, but also to return to his country of origin.

But how do you renew your Australian passport when you are in Italy? Which office should I contact? Let’s try to clarify.

Here’s how to renew your Australian passport

Australian citizens who are in Italy or anyone with Australian citizenship may need to renew their passport. To obtain the issuance or renewal of the passport it is necessary to contact the Australian embassy in Italy based in Rome. On the official website of the embassy it is explained in a simple and clear way how to renew Australian passport.

Here are the main steps:

  • The application for the issuance of the passport must be presented in person if of age and by the parent in case of minors. From the age of 16, the child must present himself together with the parent.
  • To avoid crowds in this particular period, the embassy requires you to make an appointment.
  • Renewal forms are issued by the passport office of the Australian Embassy, but can also be downloaded from the Australian Government website.
  • The Guarantor’s declaration section must be signed by a professional of any nationality who is not related to the applicant, or by the holder of a valid Australian passport
  • It is necessary to bring two photographs in which you are not smiling showing your teeth.

The requirements for renewing the Australian passport

To obtain an Australian passport, you must be an Australian citizen or have obtained citizenship. An Australian birth certificate is required as proof of citizenship and, if the applicant was born in Australia after 20 August 1986, they must prove that at least one of their parents is or was Australian citizenship. Alternatively, the Australian citizenship certificate must be presented together with the foreign birth certificate for those born outside the country. For those who are born in Italy, it has prompted the ‘ birth certificate in general’ along with a certified translation.

Then you need a tax code and a valid identity document, health card or credit card.

The request for a passport made outside the country obviously has a cost , which varies if you are an adult or a minor or if you are over 75 years old. An additional fee of A $ 105 for adults and A $ 53 for minors is added to the requested sum , to be paid in euros, by electronic means of payment, when the application is submitted.

How to become an Australian citizen?

If you want to live in Australia or get citizenship there, you will need to submit a number of documents to the Australian Government, as well as your ID card. You need to apply for citizenship in Australia first then you have to submit important documents. Documents can be National ID Card, Birth Registration Certificate, Driving License Student College ID or  School ID Card etc. So Australian citizens must save a variety of identity cards to prove their citizenship.

Now you know how to renew your Australian passport from a bureaucratic point of view. As you will have understood, you cannot apply for it if you are without Australian citizenship . If your dream is to become a citizen of this country you must first apply for a visa that grants you permanent residence, such as a skilled work visa that allows you to apply for citizenship after 4 years of stay in the country.


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